Chris Hafner Chris Hafner

The Art of Asking Follow-Up Questions, Part 1

One of the most common mistakes I see inexperienced interviewers make is building an extensive, scripted list of questions, and then sticking rigidly to it during the interview. Some inexperienced interviewers even hurry the candidate along through their answers to make sure they are able to get through the whole list of questions. I know, because I used to make these mistakes, reasoning that this constituted prepared, disciplined interviewing.

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Chris Hafner Chris Hafner


Thank you for visiting. I hope to use this space to periodically share thoughts on performance, leadership, interviewing, management, and other business skills and behaviors. I hope these posts will provide useful, actionable insights, while also helping prospective clients get a glimpse into my style and values—helping them evaluate whether I would be a good fit as their coach.

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